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OneAble's digital transformation solutions supporting diverse teams, with women collaborating on laptops in a tech-focused

IT Management

Eases IT and Help desk work.

IT management

OneAble offers centralized control and visibility over IT resources, applications, and services.

It provides a catalogue of approved portfolio of applications, enabling employees to easily access and request authorized tools. OneAble provides a user-friendly interface for all approved applications, in a secure workspace.

IT management graphic illustrating OneAble's efficient and secure IT solutions for businesses.

Why us

  • OneAble's centralized provisioning tools automatically reduces shadow IT, ensures version control and eases patch management and upgrades.

  •  Onboard and offboard employees and tools globally within minutes leading to time savings of ~60%.

  •  Optimize resource utilization with our insights and analytics into resource usage patterns. Identify underutilized or overutilized resources and take appropriate actions, such as rightsizing instances, scaling resources up or down, or reallocating resources for optimised efficiency and cost savings

  •  Define and enforce domain policies, access controls, and compliance requirements across all organization aligning with organizational guidelines, security standards, and regulatory requirements.

  •  Oneable can be configured to record sessions for a particular user, application and by time as an option. Organizations can monitor activities on the usage of critical applications, allowing audit trails for better monitoring and identification of security threats. These recordings can be used for training staff, further cutting down time and expense between Developers and QA teams. Developers can also debug better by understanding the sequence of steps involved.

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